RedRobot3D - Tales of Hallow - Goblin Layer
The sexy witch finds herself in a pickle after discovering that she's missing a key ingredient in her newest magical concoction, goblin cum!Heading into town, the beautiful conjurer travels down to the local docks, knowing that is often a hangout for horny goblins that live and work in the city.With luck she finds a rather lonely and desperately to get laid young goblin that's looking for a bit of fun for the night. Knowing that she's found her mark, she invites the goblin back to her room.While the goblin believes he's going to get the lay of a lifetime, one should know better than to trifle with a witch of Hallow's capability. What the goblin discovers is that he's in for more than just a normal roll in the hay. His very life may lay in the lines if he can't give the enchantress what she wants!