Studio Huli created by Porn Games Housemates [v0.08.1]

Huli Games released a new game called Housemates and the version is 0.08.1. The game’s story is about Housemates is a daily life simulation game. A lust virus has hit the world! Play as a college student stuck inside with his landlady and housemate. Talk to them, get to know them, and importantly, ‘help them out’ with the lust virus!​Game Version Changelog:v0.08.1N/ADeveloper Notes:FEATURESA story about being stuck at home!Has 2 mature ladies to romance!Hand drawn, frame by frame animated scenes!GAMEPLAYExplore the house!Talk to the ladies!Help them with massages!Dice rolls!Make some love!More dice rollsDownload From Our Server [ No Limit, Fast Download ]Win/Linux: Mac (v0.07): Android (v0.07):DOWNLOADWin/Linux:  – –  – Mac (v0.07):   – –  – Android (v0.07):   – –  –