Dating my Daughter Version 0.0.4 Alpha
Free Dating my Daughter Version 0.0.4 Alpha Porn Adult Comics download Fast Adult Comics easy download. Dating my Daughter Version 0.0.4 Alpha complete Adult Comics available online galleries.
You’ll be making choices between two or more decisions that will negatively or positively affect the outcome of the date and the main story as well.
There are two stats (at the moment) in the game[/url]: Friendship and Love. You can see them at the top right corner of the screen.
Every time you make a choice, you’ll win or lose a point (sometimes more than one) depending on the decision you make. For example, if you choose to stare at your daughter’s ass[/url] and she catches you, you’ll lose 1 friendship point.
You’ll have to get a certain amount points to advance in the game. If you fail, you’ll have to repeat the date.
There will be secondary characters like your ex-wife, your daughter’s best friend, your coworkers, etc. but the main focus will be on F/D content.
Version 0.04 New Features:
+Changed “game over” screen
+Changed “end of the version” screen
+Added new in game messages
+Added job choice option
+Fixed a lot of typos and grammar errors
Daughter’s Hotel Room
+Added new daughter’s hotel room scene.
+Added daughter’s changing clothes scene.
+Added new conversation with Elena.
+Added Elena masturbating scene.
+Added Elena groping daughter.
Father’s Apartment
+Added conversation with daughter and Elena scene.
+Added daughter changing clothes scene
+Added cuddling in bed[/url] with daughter scene
The Café
+Added local café scene.
+Added Jennifer intro scene.
+Added daughter and Elena café scene.
+Added playing with daughter at the café scene.
The Nightclub
+Added talking with daughter at the nightclub scene.
+Added dancing with daughter.
+Added having a drink with daughter scene.
+Added groping scene.

You’ll be making choices between two or more decisions that will negatively or positively affect the outcome of the date and the main story as well.
There are two stats (at the moment) in the game[/url]: Friendship and Love. You can see them at the top right corner of the screen.
Every time you make a choice, you’ll win or lose a point (sometimes more than one) depending on the decision you make. For example, if you choose to stare at your daughter’s ass[/url] and she catches you, you’ll lose 1 friendship point.
You’ll have to get a certain amount points to advance in the game. If you fail, you’ll have to repeat the date.
There will be secondary characters like your ex-wife, your daughter’s best friend, your coworkers, etc. but the main focus will be on F/D content.
Version 0.04 New Features:
+Changed “game over” screen
+Changed “end of the version” screen
+Added new in game messages
+Added job choice option
+Fixed a lot of typos and grammar errors
Daughter’s Hotel Room
+Added new daughter’s hotel room scene.
+Added daughter’s changing clothes scene.
+Added new conversation with Elena.
+Added Elena masturbating scene.
+Added Elena groping daughter.
Father’s Apartment
+Added conversation with daughter and Elena scene.
+Added daughter changing clothes scene
+Added cuddling in bed[/url] with daughter scene
The Café
+Added local café scene.
+Added Jennifer intro scene.
+Added daughter and Elena café scene.
+Added playing with daughter at the café scene.
The Nightclub
+Added talking with daughter at the nightclub scene.
+Added dancing with daughter.
+Added having a drink with daughter scene.
+Added groping scene.