World of Porn by keinPlan86m Version 0.0.11
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You can manage a brothel, a stripclub and other establisments, hire girls and boys and send them to the streets, your establishments or keep them in your house for your entertainment, later in the game you can make fotosets and movies and sell them or publish on your own. Be the star in your own movies or the regiseur or just sit back and order peole around. You can build up your own porn empire or become the worlds best gigolo, or both.
When you enter the brothel you have the options to talk to 4 whores and buy theyr services (only the blowjob option has text based on whores skillset), also you can talk to the madame and get a more detailed view of the options for your brothel. You can give aprodisiaks to your whores, so theyr sex drive will rise over time, you can give hormones, which have no function atm and you can allow the use of drugs at the workplace, which has no function atm too. What option is choosen and an information on what the customers demand and wanna pay more for is shown in the text in the upper left side of the screen. On the lower site of the menu there are two buttons, one to replace the actual madame and one to show her stats. The more experienced and intelligent a madam is, the better she can train your whores in the erotic arts. On the right side is a list with informations about your actual whores, what they cost, theyr income for you and theyr relation towards you. You have buttons to show theyr stats and to the replace them.
To fire or replace somenone, you need a employee without a job. Hiring and firing is done in the Notebook.
In the brothel screen you are also able to enter the rooms and upgrade them individually, atm all upgrades give a income bonus of 5% and cost $50 maintenance. The Boni are multiplying each other like Basevalue * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05, so the more Upgrades you have, the more they will influence your income.
Social Places (Bar, Disco, Casino)
All 3 Places are really equal at the moment, you can enter them and start talking to 2 girls and 2 boys. The girls in the bar are more ugly and lower skilled and easier to lay, the girls in the casino are ther opposite. Clicking on one options, opens the Dialog menu. Every day a new set of random partners is generated for the social places.
Dialog Menu
The Dialog menu can be opend from a social place or the Notebook. You will be shown a portrait of yourself and your partner, his relation towards you, and his answers are shown to you in the upper box. In the lower part of the screen you have many buttons to control the dialog. The highest is only shown, when your relation is high enough and allows you to engage in sex, but this button has no function atm. The first button you might see when engaging a new person is the "Offer yourself" button, which allows you to earn money by prostituting yourself. If your partner says yes or no is dependant on many factors, like your attractivness, your attributes, your partners sexdrive and favor towards your gender and your relation.
To raise your relation you can then use the 3 dialog options below, each based on different attributes and skills of yours, or you can buy a drink for your partner. The present button has no function atm. After some time your partner has to go only leaving you with the last two options. To simply leave your partner or note his number to your notebook so you can call him later or even hire him.

You can manage a brothel, a stripclub and other establisments, hire girls and boys and send them to the streets, your establishments or keep them in your house for your entertainment, later in the game you can make fotosets and movies and sell them or publish on your own. Be the star in your own movies or the regiseur or just sit back and order peole around. You can build up your own porn empire or become the worlds best gigolo, or both.
When you enter the brothel you have the options to talk to 4 whores and buy theyr services (only the blowjob option has text based on whores skillset), also you can talk to the madame and get a more detailed view of the options for your brothel. You can give aprodisiaks to your whores, so theyr sex drive will rise over time, you can give hormones, which have no function atm and you can allow the use of drugs at the workplace, which has no function atm too. What option is choosen and an information on what the customers demand and wanna pay more for is shown in the text in the upper left side of the screen. On the lower site of the menu there are two buttons, one to replace the actual madame and one to show her stats. The more experienced and intelligent a madam is, the better she can train your whores in the erotic arts. On the right side is a list with informations about your actual whores, what they cost, theyr income for you and theyr relation towards you. You have buttons to show theyr stats and to the replace them.
To fire or replace somenone, you need a employee without a job. Hiring and firing is done in the Notebook.
In the brothel screen you are also able to enter the rooms and upgrade them individually, atm all upgrades give a income bonus of 5% and cost $50 maintenance. The Boni are multiplying each other like Basevalue * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05, so the more Upgrades you have, the more they will influence your income.
Social Places (Bar, Disco, Casino)
All 3 Places are really equal at the moment, you can enter them and start talking to 2 girls and 2 boys. The girls in the bar are more ugly and lower skilled and easier to lay, the girls in the casino are ther opposite. Clicking on one options, opens the Dialog menu. Every day a new set of random partners is generated for the social places.
Dialog Menu
The Dialog menu can be opend from a social place or the Notebook. You will be shown a portrait of yourself and your partner, his relation towards you, and his answers are shown to you in the upper box. In the lower part of the screen you have many buttons to control the dialog. The highest is only shown, when your relation is high enough and allows you to engage in sex, but this button has no function atm. The first button you might see when engaging a new person is the "Offer yourself" button, which allows you to earn money by prostituting yourself. If your partner says yes or no is dependant on many factors, like your attractivness, your attributes, your partners sexdrive and favor towards your gender and your relation.
To raise your relation you can then use the 3 dialog options below, each based on different attributes and skills of yours, or you can buy a drink for your partner. The present button has no function atm. After some time your partner has to go only leaving you with the last two options. To simply leave your partner or note his number to your notebook so you can call him later or even hire him.