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Vren Lab Rats - Version 0.8.1 Win+Android

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Vren Lab Rats - Version 0.8.1 Win+Android

Here's the change log going from v0.7.1 to v0.8.1:

- Added the "public" tag to the game.

- Added training section to the notebook, reflecting the tags currently trained on a girl.

- Added "public" tag training scene for Lily.

- Added "public" tag training scene for Mom.

- Added "public" tag training scene for Stephanie.

- Added "public" tag training scene for Nora.

- Added "public" tag training scene for Alexia.

- Added alternate dialogue for many major and minor scenes if the girl has the public tag.

- Added some alternate scenes to some major and minor scenes if the girl has the public tag.

- Added a new minor scene for Lily. Involves playing video games in the afternoon.

- Added a new minor scene for Stephanie. Takes place at work.

- Added a new minor scene for Nora. Invovles texting her at night.

- Added two new favour purchases from Mom, one on the high and low infleunce menus.

- Expanded the strip section of Alexia's hub scene, specifically adding new public content.

- Modified multiple major scenes, raising influence requirement for top level and adding reduction for having "public" tag.

- Modified multiple major scenes, adding sections that require the "public" tag.

- Modified Mom/Lily ending action to better reflect your actions throughout the game.

- Fixed some minor bugs, typo's, and incorrect image displays.