Sunfall Friends of mine version 0.3e
- You can now read the Women's Magazine if you have at least a bit of sissiness in you.
- There is two little scenes where you can embarrass Felix in front of his family with the two item you find in his room.
- You can now read the porn magazine for some pics and arousal.
- If you choose to help feminize Felix, you can now begin flirting with him.
- You can now get blowjobs in the park from Alicia after spending the night with her.
- Reduced the amount of dates it takes to go home with Alicia, as it was higher than intended.
- You can now buy a porn magazine and suggestive women's magazine from the Gas Station.
- You can now find 2 items from snooping around Felix's room depending on where you are in his storyline.
- Made some item images for an inventory system.
- Fixed a bug where the story wasn't progressing properly after accusing Alicia of stealing.
- Fixed Alicia having friendly options after accusing her of stealing.
- Found out that I was using the wrong slash function. Oops! Fixed those pesky slashes.
- Fixed a weird text error in the Objectives page.
- Fixed errors when interacting with the Pawn Shop Owner in the park.
- Added images for Felix's parents.
- Talking to Felix about drugs and about his plans both now require energy.
- Rewrote the code for watching tv and added gifs.
- Fixed the Gas Station Owner's image.
- Fixed errors when buying flowers.
- Fixed some more typos and incorrect numbers.
- Added some random popups on your computer if Chloe begins sissfying you.
- Flirting with Alicia now costs 10 energy.
- Increased energy consumption all around.
- Redesigned the Status bar buttons to be more subtle.
- Added 2 more random gifs while searching for porn on the computer.
- Choosing to Accuse Alicia of Stealing should no longer break the trinket quest line.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed the text not being correctly colored when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed an error when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed the energy text when eating food.
- Added an icon to show that snooping around Felix's room costs Energy.
- Fixed the error when snooping around Felix's Room.
- Fixed the error with the Women's magazine in your character's room

- There is two little scenes where you can embarrass Felix in front of his family with the two item you find in his room.
- You can now read the porn magazine for some pics and arousal.
- If you choose to help feminize Felix, you can now begin flirting with him.
- You can now get blowjobs in the park from Alicia after spending the night with her.
- Reduced the amount of dates it takes to go home with Alicia, as it was higher than intended.
- You can now buy a porn magazine and suggestive women's magazine from the Gas Station.
- You can now find 2 items from snooping around Felix's room depending on where you are in his storyline.
- Made some item images for an inventory system.
- Fixed a bug where the story wasn't progressing properly after accusing Alicia of stealing.
- Fixed Alicia having friendly options after accusing her of stealing.
- Found out that I was using the wrong slash function. Oops! Fixed those pesky slashes.
- Fixed a weird text error in the Objectives page.
- Fixed errors when interacting with the Pawn Shop Owner in the park.
- Added images for Felix's parents.
- Talking to Felix about drugs and about his plans both now require energy.
- Rewrote the code for watching tv and added gifs.
- Fixed the Gas Station Owner's image.
- Fixed errors when buying flowers.
- Fixed some more typos and incorrect numbers.
- Added some random popups on your computer if Chloe begins sissfying you.
- Flirting with Alicia now costs 10 energy.
- Increased energy consumption all around.
- Redesigned the Status bar buttons to be more subtle.
- Added 2 more random gifs while searching for porn on the computer.
- Choosing to Accuse Alicia of Stealing should no longer break the trinket quest line.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed the text not being correctly colored when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed an error when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed the energy text when eating food.
- Added an icon to show that snooping around Felix's room costs Energy.
- Fixed the error when snooping around Felix's Room.
- Fixed the error with the Women's magazine in your character's room