Time Loop Hunter Version 0.19.30 from HydraHenker
Change-Log 0.19.30: Sneak peek to next version (Ask CAS). Several minor fixes.Change-Log 0.18.40: Fixed a bug with the police station on day 2. Change-Log 0.18.30: Fixed a bug with Fun point number 21.Change-Log 0.18.20: Grammar and punctuation fixes. (Thanks to laven00). Fixed a continuity bug with Alice and Cooper. Fixed some hints. Change-Log 0.18.10: Fixed a bug with saving stats of the girls after day 3. Fixed a bug with the parasite at the demonstration. Fixed some missing images in Inventory.Change-Log 0.18.00: Continue the drug story with Ayumi. Remove the XP system. (no more grinding XP) New Skill point for Self Control New Skill point for Persuasion. New way to get past Claire. +1 Fun Points Open path for Alice on day 3 Open variations of failed demonstration on day 3. Open variations of arrests of failed demonstration on day 2 and day 3. Open variations of sabotage fallout at hospital on day 3. New memories for Day 2, Day 3, Benson, Ayumi, Alice, Jody. New Achievements (still under construction and unrewarded)