Big Brother. Ren'Py Remake - Version 0.10 by PornGodNoob
0.10:Innovations and Additions:- Added new movie and new idents with Mom (Anna)- Added "Continue" button, to load the last save- Now you can change the font size in the menu select an answer or action- Added new location "Auto Show" and new events with a new character- Partially updated location "Hotel" (in the next update will be the other changes in the appearance of locations)- Added papers by author "papersand"- Added function to skip dialogs during filming movies (there is a function in the settings, but it does not work perfectly)But if skipping is turned on, it is impossible to get an achievement and no points will be added for sex with characters- Added buttons to move in time for 2 and 4 hours- Added 15 new achievementsChanges and fixes:- Changed call quick menu for phonesThe quick menu is now available only during dialogs and when selecting an answer. To call there is an invisible button at the top of the screen.If you are not in the middle of a dialogue, then the game menu can be accessed through the "Phone Max". On the right, on the frame, a button in the form of three horizontal stripes.- Changed the flip and close buttons in the "Phone Max" with a vertical position- Changed the screen code in the dressing room porn studio- Fixed interface in mallLocations that are not open by the player will be displayed in the interface, but will not be clickable.- Changed translation of incorrect replica in the 6th film.- Fixed a bug with the transition of days of the week during the passage of the event "Kira's Apartment"- Fixed a bug due to which it was not counted in the statistics Cooney and Kira- All previously released fixes are applied.Fix list- Fixed a bug with the display of the city icon for the driving test- Fixed a bug with the launch of a new movie on the passage of events with MomThe film is available on the same day and time period as the 8th Film.- Fixed a bug with a variable that does not allow to move further with Mom- Fixed a bug with the variable number of the hotel, when passing new events with Mom- Fixed a bug with the punishment of Lisa.It was not possible to punish myself, because Immediately after the consent, Mom did it anyway.- Fixed bug with variable count of the number of filming in porn movies (passing events with Alice)