Slaves of Rome - Version 0.6 by Biggus Dickus Games
Roman empire.. 20 A.D... very hard times. NO! Not for you! For the slaves! You are a damn Roman! You can do whatever you like. YOU are a god among men! And... men (and women) are here for one reason only. To serve you and other Romans.It's not all fun and games however. For decades, your family was bringing the best slaves in the republic. You are mostly known for your ability and knowledge in training the most hard, stubborn northern women and bending them to the will of the empire! However, with the last war, money ran out. Now that victory has been achieved on the northern boarders, slaves are pouring in again and you... you know just what to do with them. It's time to fill your purse (and your dungeons) with new toys. And YOU, my noble master.. you know just how to do that.v0.6New Quests – 5 new quests! Some, are pretty complex so it's actually about 10.New Feature: Missions! – You can now send your slaves to missions and play the slaves during the mission!New Feature: Cooldowns – New feature where there is a cooldown if the slave is too tired.New Feature: Reputation – The v0.5 new stat "Reputation" now will allow you to unlock game branches and story lines for special quests!New Characters – 3 new characters.Story Lines – New, story-lines have been added and old story lines developed from previous builds.Bug Fixes – Fixed a lot of bugs, biggest of which is the "all characters nude" bug. The "Fetal Error" upon launch bug still present but game works even if it shows up.Player Stats Screen – You can now press 'c' and see your player stats, quests, etc'.Improved Save System – Saves work a lot better now. Still not perfect but should be all done at 0.7 and after that saves should move between versions.