Wild Life Shipping Build 2019.12.05 by Adeptus Steve
Overview:We live in a mad universe... indescribably vast... full of wonders... and terrors. And amidst all the chaos, sometimes things even turn out.. sexy! Play as one of many possible characters, female, male*, or creature* and fight and fuck your way through a wild experience. Our story plays on a small and rather unknown planet called K’apal. Only few civilized humans have ever ventured here, some miners guilds to claim the precious rare minerals that can be found here, scientists studying the natives and the flora and fauna. And also raiders and poachers trying to make a fortune selling rare creatures to rich and eccentric collectors and off-world beast arenas.-Big efforts to improve performance, Improved LODs, streamlined materials, set up Level Streaming, etc.-Added new character: Tali (female minotaur)-Kral shouldn't get stuck in his tent anymore-Changed combat: Left mouse: attack, left mouse hold: heavy attack, right mouse: block/parry-Implemented a better Loading Screen-Improved the Quest Line-New Sex Anims: ZuriXDjablo, KralXKiraXZuri, MayaX2Minotaurs, YasonXMaya, BolXZuri, TaliXMax, TaliXMinotaur. You can find a full list here-Added 20 of missing Anal/Vaginal VariationsKnown Issues:-You can still suddenly die when jumping or running at certain areas and situations-If you don't give Chakkar the fight he was promised, he will start to go rampage in town-Player lips don't move during voiced dialogues-Hyena combat still has a few bugs-Landscape collision and floating meshes are still an issue