Housegame - Ninja Girl Ayame (eng)

Professional manual translationTranslation notesGUI and items 100%Scenes 98%General dialog 70%Grammar still not corrected xD.At this point the only thing thats left is the final boss dialog and ending which idk if i will ever translate myself.The heavy lifting is done if anyone wanna finish it I assure you will have an easy time with it xDAlso i left a magic cat in the gallery, you can squash it to unlock the full gallery.In search of a certain something, Ninja Girl Ayame is on a journey.The location of that something... just happens to be inside the a fortressroaming with monsters and ruled by violence... The Orc Castle.In order to gain that something...! For the sake of the Inakahn regions...?Ayame begins her epic invasion of the Orc Castle...!