Alchemist-development-hell-0.0.10 by Witch-Dev
"This is a small build there isn't much if anything to do yet, but with this I will start to expand and update it regularly, there is currently no sex scene yet. Tomorrow I will add a small sex scene, then I want to get the goblin and drow in within the next week which will also make for some more interesting interactions. (These small incremental updates will only be available to my patrons, the free version will still be updated regularly but won't be the newest version available. )"v.0.0.10Updated versions available, in the patrician tier you get to customize the body and outfit, in the plebeian tier just the body, the public build has no customization yet but introduces a prototype of a small village next to the academy.I want to get a few smaller updates out next. Concentrating on sex scenes, story elements in various places in the world and introducing more customization options. (While I continue with my motion capture solution.) The next unreal version will also come with some improvements which I'll use to make it possible to customize outfits further, improve the performance and get prettier terrain at the same time.