Studio Mr.OctoPluto created by Porn Games Our Chat Group [Ch.1]

Mr.OctoPluto Games released a new game called Our Chat Group and the version is Ch.1. The game’s story is about Our Chat Group follows the journey of Nick, Mary and Sofia. As they influence and corrupt each other to fulfill their desires of lust. My game is expressed through text messages and pictures, all the hot stuff is with mutual consent Game is only Linear VN (No Paths/Choices are planned)​Game Version Changelog:Chapter 1Initial ReleaseDeveloper Notes:This project is my first adult novel game, please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can invest in better hardware for faster rendering and put in more hours into development. CheersDOWNLOADWin/Linux:  – –  – – Mac:  – –  – – Android:  – –  – –