Adult VR Games Pornflix and Chill version 0.1.7
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Features at a Glance:
Grabbable and Poseable Body Parts
Tracked Penis (place controller on hip, then reposition penis with other controller)
Genital Physics. Fully modeled vagina that you can stuff and lose things in.
Interactive Nipples.
Watch Porn Flix on Big Screen (Beeg, PornHub, Reddit, etc)
Physics Based Models and Animations
Chat with Her About all the Thing
Explore and walk around by swinging your arms and holding down on track pad
Tell the girl to come to you (Path Finding)
Teleportable Camera, get the exact viewing angle
Breast Physics and Breast Size Customizations
Reactive Facial Expressions
Fruits and Veggies, good for the body
Tons of morphs
Multiple Characters
Slideshow Room Scene
Video Room Scene
Partial Soft Body Physics on Breasts and Buttocks
Features at a Glance:
Grabbable and Poseable Body Parts
Tracked Penis (place controller on hip, then reposition penis with other controller)
Genital Physics. Fully modeled vagina that you can stuff and lose things in.
Interactive Nipples.
Watch Porn Flix on Big Screen (Beeg, PornHub, Reddit, etc)
Physics Based Models and Animations
Chat with Her About all the Thing
Explore and walk around by swinging your arms and holding down on track pad
Tell the girl to come to you (Path Finding)
Teleportable Camera, get the exact viewing angle
Breast Physics and Breast Size Customizations
Reactive Facial Expressions
Fruits and Veggies, good for the body
Tons of morphs
Multiple Characters
Slideshow Room Scene
Video Room Scene
Partial Soft Body Physics on Breasts and Buttocks