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Studio GrimDark created by Porn Games Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.7]

Studio GrimDark created by Porn Games Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.7]
Studio GrimDark created by Porn Games Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.7]
Studio GrimDark created by Porn Games Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.7]

GrimDark Games released a new game called Masters of Raana and the version is The game’s story is about is an open-world RPG set in an abandoned colony, Ikaanos, on a dangerous planet that was separated from Earth several centuries ago. In this god-forsaken world feudal-like kingdoms fight amongst themselves for power and influence, when they’re not busy dealing with the monstrous megafauna that threatens the last bastion of human civilization.
On this planet, Raana, we find our MC – a nobody who has just inherited a house from his older brother, a renowned slave trainer that went missing over a year ago. Master of Raana’s open-world approach allows you to do anything; live as a quiet factory worker, a thrill-seeking adventurer, a scavenger, an academy master, a famous arena champion or anything in between.
You could also take up your brother’s old profession and train slaves into obedient servants, academy professors, fierce shield maidens, or willing sex toys. You’re also able to marry slaves, impregnate them and raise your offspring to adulthood, molding your children into anything you want; adventure buddies, accountants, guards or docile servants.
The planet of Raana also has many secrets to uncover, some you might stumble upon whilst exploring deep caverns or reading ancient books. There are many dangerous and hidden mysteries that lie waiting, ready to be discovered by those who seek the truth about Raana’s obscure past.Game Version Changelog:
Gameplay changes[NPC] Seve Pásztor now starts the game as an anal virgin.
[NPC] Seve Pásztor quest initiator Power Value threshold decreased to 10 (was 15).
[NPC] There’s now a unique interaction event for Aisha Hasan after her father’s failed coup attempt (event will activate immediately on old saves if coup event has already happened).
[NPC] Lessened an NPC’s Stamina loss during homeschooling sessions – especially for Acrobatics and Dancing.
[NPC] Increased the chance of decreasing the Attention Whore Trait Value after combat encounters from 25% to 50%.
[NPC] Added a unique first-interaction Rachel event with a choice-based outcome.
[NPC] The effects from Unbreakable has been enhanced (2-5 points, 85% chance).
[NPC] Guys are now less likely to randomly end up with the Docile trait.
[NPC] Miss Winton is now signed as a slave instead of a convict when added to the MC’s household.
[NPC] Luckie is now signed as a servant instead of a convict when added to the MC’s household.
[NPC] Floor crawlers with Notoriety 100+ (“Prost. score”) now hand out the same Happiness (+1) and Affection (+1) boost (to NPCs using that FC) as if their Fame was 200+.
[NPC] The Pantry skill>NPC Domestic should now update properly.
[NPC] Hovering over “swallowed semen” now shows the amount of digested calories.
[NPC] Aria can no longer start with the Pacifist trait.
[NPC] The Valkyria now starts with a 65 Fame value.
[NPC] Herculean body types now receive an increase DEX/Acro penalty when attending the gymnastics course at The Academy.
[NPC/LOG] Added Corruption and sexual skills to the Conclude Day log.
[NPC/BONDAGE] There’s now a much larger chance to increase the Flagellation skill during training room sessions, even if the roll failed.
[NPC/BONDAGE] Kinky attires during training room sessions (clamps, gags, hooks) now add a higher chance for perverted trait increases during orgasms (+2%/attire).
[HOUSEHOLD] Your household gardens now receive a -25% yield penalty if you don’t have an assigned gardener.
[HOUSEHOLD] The lvl 2 kitchen upgrade now provides +1 Influence.
[FACTIONS] Decreased the possibility of suffering very high rebel casualties during the “Rebels under attack!” political event.
[INVESTMENTS] Gero Falkenstein’s store now has a 1% risk of getting shut down, if City Control is 15+.
[SERA] Donating captives to Fort Sera will now increase their PV up to 1,000 (was 100).
[WORLD] Traveling to Imogen’s Barrow through the Home shortcut will now more or less match manual walking/riding (stables built) time.
[WORLD] Updated The Goat’s Toe (tavern in Kahill) with new sounds and better food/drinking descriptions.
[WORLD] The smoke from “The Great Hamilton Fire” event will now disappear after 90 days.
[UI] Added a Clear All Followers button to the home interface pane.Interrogations (Tier request)There’s now a 20% chance a captured NPC comes with a special secret. You can interrogate that *out of* the NPC through kind, persuasive words or through threats with the help of a new Interrogation framework. The result might provide skill boosts or mini quests. The missions and who receives the “Secretive trait” are random.
Enslave mercenariesThe MC can now enslave mercenaries (and some paragons) by convincing them to sign an indentured servanthood contract (Talk>Affect>Enslave). While the roll is extremely difficult to succeed, trying to persuade high-Respect, high-Affection, high-Corruption NPCs when Ikaanos is affected by low Prosperity/Control will turn a lot of factors to your favor.
A mercenary/paragon that enters slavery immediately loses his salary.
Forged documentsWith enough influence and contacts, you can now frame a slave for a crime he or she didn’t commit, immediately turning them into convicts. Forged documents can be purchased at The Transit Department in The Palace district. Apply a document through Interact > Inventory > Accessories.
Sexual statisticsYou’re now able to see how many times you’ve ejaculated in various orifices on each NPC (NPC Menu > Examination). As these variables didn’t exist in earlier versions, they all start at 0, even on legacy saves. You can easily modify them with the help of the console, however.
Overhauled STAMINA regeneration (NPCs)Instead of a flat 20 Stamina points, all NPCs now recover 10 Stamina points + 1/3 of their Max Stamina. Felix, for instance, with Stamina 80, will now recover 36 Stam. points (instead of 20).
Tongue piercings and overhauled Inventory buttonsNika’s Clothes now offers tongue piercings. Tongue piercings help propel the MC’s “Cum! state”, adds Beauty and Charisma mods, helps an NPC to improve her oral experience and may display unique texts during oral sex scenes. – A tongue piercing, along with butt plugs, now have icons in the Inventory pane, with corresponding hover over info.
New workshop and tavern capsWith the upcoming factory/mining frameworks, and due to popular demand, the worker cap for Taverns and Workshops has been decreased to 7, +1 foreman (was 10, +1 foreman). This will allow a fully staffed workshop to occupy one single NPC page. – Workshops that are overstaffed in old saves remain unaffected. – Turn this feature off by setting “oldworkshop = true” in the console or savedditor. That’ll allow you to keep the original cap of 10.
Overhauled armor repairsThe armor repair system has been completely reworked. You can now view all owned armors’ current state at The Armor Store and repair them with just one click.
The Academy[MC] Increased base income for all held lectures with +$50/day.
[MC] Doubled the “Academy Disposition” bonuses for incomes from held lectures.
[NPC] There’s now a 15-age minimum requirement to work at The Academy, regardless of skill or Influence.
[NPC] Science and Academic professors now have a 10% chance to increase their corresponding skills (cap: 100).Difficulty changesGrimdark: You can no longer assign “away” NPCs (vendor assignments, scavvies, Academy) as Followers between 8 am and 4 pm, thus ending a well-known exploit that allowed you to have sermons and fights all day while still getting cash from Abbot Roo or Nika’s. This is also true for Group assignments. You can also not “Clear” an assignment, set the NPC as a follower and then reassign that NPC between those away hours.
Grimdark: Using a melee weapon in combat now costs 1 Stamina point, both for the MC and NPCs, down to a minimum of 5.New weapon: Great axeThe Great Axe is a solid durasteel heavy weapon favored by several Aaesir tribes. It’s available at Imperial Arms in Em city.STRENGTH requirement: 100+.
Power attack bonus: +15 damage.New armor: WEGAThe Transit department now sells WEGA armor – a PAC (Russian/Chinese) pre-Severance durasteel suit boosted with an internal healing nanite coat.Soak: 43.
Heals 5 health/turn during combat.AchievementsThere’s now a brand new Masters of Raana achievements section in Economy & Influence > Achievements.
New story NPC: Clea Vallas (Av39)Clea Vallas is a renowned bounty hunter and high-tier warrior NPC with a history and character tied to the current affairs of Ikaanos. This paragon mercenary becomes available after you’ve decided to help Aria (1) or if you sold Aria (2) to The Mastersphere. Her acquisition quest starts in Redhaven if (1) is true. She’s instantly available at The Orient if Aria’s rebellion has been permanently thwarted by the MC (2). While Clea is meant to step in at the first half of Aria’s quest, her *event* executes immediately on legacy saves that’ve completed Aria’s quest, with some texts rewritten to better fit that part of the timeline.
New building: MineThe MC can now purchase mining rights at the Town Hall in Hamilton Sq. or conquer mines from powerful warlords. Doing this enables him to build mines and extract valuable metals from mined ore. A mine works similar to Zapin Fields, with an assigned foreman and permanently deployed workers.
You can read more about Mines .
Prospecting“Prospecting” is a new profitable job that can be done in prospect-enabled districts if the MC has at least one “Prospecting gear” in his Inventory. Prospecting involves searching through caves for gemstones and panning for gold in mineral rich brooks.
You can read more about Prospecting .
ArtGreatly improved the sharpness of the game’s combat sprites, which should make them look less blurred against certain combat backgrounds. Thanks @maxsad.
Replaced the old piercing scene at Nika’s.
Added 2 wardrobe pics for Caitlin (padded, riding).
Added 6 arena scenes (Tori, Sofia).
Added 22 sex scenes (Clea Vallas, Av140).
Added 7 Morning BJ scenes for Clea Vallas.
Replaced Lovisa’s doggy sex scenes (x2).
Added one new alternative anal (normal) scene for Av1 (“tier” request).
Added combat sprites and combat wardrobe for Av211 (Kate).
Replaced the Power Katana with a new sword asset.
Replaced Helo’s archive.Bug fixesFixed a critical bug that would initiate the New World Order political quest chain if you sold Aria to Kymanto.
Fixed a display bug that would show an unintegrated MC Admin income.
Added the missing cyber cannon icon for roaming NPCs.
Fixed a bug that wouldn’t give the Family Man Wife the Scavenger trait (Domestic focus).
Science is now correctly applied to the MC’s Administration competence calculation.
Fixed a display error with Floor Crawlers that would set an unproportionable high amount of wear without taking numbers of active FC into consideration.
Pressing the closeup/armor/civilian clothes buttons when interacting with NPCs will no longer pass time (6 mins).
Fixed several bugs with Michelle’s quest that pointed toward the wrong framework. These bugs disabled many dialogues and skill/wear gains at The Mad Preacher’s stronghold.
Tori no longer starts with Stress 40.
Fixed a bug that allowed the MC to lower the Unbreakable trait through sermons/lectures even if he didn’t have the Dominus trait.
Fixed a bug that would produce duplicate armor wardrobe pics if a random NPC was wearing HULC armor.
Fixed several red errors that appear during Amelia’s quest.
Fixed a duplicate error for the Lone Wolf trait.
The engine will now read Aria’s Av container instead of Laika’s when processing Aria’s sell price during the slavemaster route of New World Order.
Fixed a _daysa setter in the Party Engine that wouldn’t count the number of days an NPC had spent in your household.
Fixed various bugs that wouldn’t display and execute Bud’s Ammo Pack trait Prosperity override.
Fixed a bug that allowed Herculeans’ Melee skill to increase endlessly at the dojo.
Fixed a bug that would disable the Control drops from investing in The Wrool Cat Wranglers.
Fixed several setters that wouldn’t properly execute political effects based on Aria’s Corruption.
Fixed various tavern setter bugs that wouldn’t add modifiers based on Chaos and Reputation.
Enya now receives her announced +15 Arena combat bonus.
Fixed a bug that didn’t apply Happiness and Affection bonuses to freed slaves.
Pure NPCs now receive their intended +20 Kindness boost.
Fixed a rare bug that would get you stuck in Dockgrave tavern when selling NPCs through the “Full House” action.
Fixed an Auto Buy Food display error (“Change:” was set to 0).
Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase the FEMALE saturation market pool.
Fixed a display error with the top left training dojo.
Selling 50 units of Food at Redhaven market will now increase the market supply number correctly (was 10).
You can now use MindMancer on males (Mercenaries or below).
Fixed an old checker that would reset Armor/Clothes view for NPCs at the arena.
Fixed a missing steel checker when crafting Doctor’s kits.
Tori will no longer appear in texts at Virax Springs if you have her assigned to your household or if she’s dead.
A combat-focused Family Man wife now receives the +20 Stamina bonus instead of the academic-focused one.
Fixed a bug that excluded WILLPOWER from the Conclude Day NPC log.
You can no longer purchase Seve Pasztor and go into debt.
Fixed a bug that allowed Mr. Blaylock to regenerate HP above his Max HP value (Prowler in The Depths questline).
Fixed a bug that would lower Happiness to the negatives for starving and underfed NPCs.
Fixed several typos.