Haru erotic game from Chocolate

Ver 1.0 SET -Back Version-
Requirements: Poser8ESR3 or Poser Pro 2010,Daz Studio 3.
The operation was confirmed with Poser7,Poser Pro 2010,DAZ Studio 3.
This product doesn't correspond to Poser9/Poser Pro 2012.
When the weight map of Bulge of lThigh and rThigh is corrected by hand power, it is possible to use it with Poser9/Poser Pro 2012.
This problem may be solved by SR1.
When Haru is selected, and the control and clothes are read, it operates normally.
In Poser7, the reaction of the control is delayed a little.
In DAZStudio, the abdomen Pull control of clothes doesn't operate normally.
- Solution -
1. Conforming clothes to Haru.
2. Hip of clothes is selected in the Scene tab.
3. The D-Form tab is opened, the "Add Node(s)" button is clicked, "abdoemnPull Mag" is selected in an open list window, and Accept.
DAZ Studio moves normally by this, too.
The update will be done in the near future. Please wait for a while.
- About the use of Inverse kinematics for DAZ Studio -
1. lFoot or rFoot is selected.
2. The Translate parameter is double-clicked from the Parameters tab.
3. Hidden from the opened set window to Yes.
Haru and clothes were made to correspond to Auto-conforming and conforming with joint scaling.
This operates by Poser8ESR3, PoserPro2010, and DAZ Studio3.
Haru and clothes were made to correspond to Auto-conforming and conforming with joint scaling.
1.Head-INJ, Body-INJ, and Hair-INJ are applied to Haru.
2.As a result, all Morph was injected into Haru.
3.please conforming clothes.
4.INJ is applied to clothes. (Panty-INJ,Skirt-INJ,T-Shirt-INJ,etc...)
5.Cloths fits Haru by this.