Egg Assault from Lipucd
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Date: 27.08.2016
Version: 2.0
Language: English
Censored: NO
Info: What's new:
- 3 new girls join the fry! Have fun making use of the corrupting Q-Bee, the hard hitter Makoto=Nanaya, and the ever wayward dancer Shantae!
- Along with these 3, you now can pick and choose your own teams! Mix and match and find the combo that fits your needs!
- 1 new direct foe joins the fry! The 'Resin Bots' are a new support unit, main to slow down and assist in taking you out. While they might be weak, don't let them preform their namesake skill, or you might be put out on display!
- A new item and point system. Perhaps felt like you could just use a little boost? Wanted to unlock things, but felt the goal was just a tad bit TOO strict? Now you'll earn points after each wave, and when you lose in full, return towards the start to spend them on gear to enhance and boost your chances to win the next time around! There's a .txt that explains the nuances of this system a little better and gives out detailed stats of the girls!
- The foe AI's seen a overhaul utterly so! Now foes will attack a lot more smarter in turn, and they will only attempt binding attacks when HP is 50% of a players max or less. The HP will now turn Yellow when this is meet.
- An updated intro, and 2 new 'Endings' along with the first have been added. have a better understanding of what's going on, more less enjoy all sorts of wonderful 'What If...' endings towards this event!

Date: 27.08.2016
Version: 2.0
Language: English
Censored: NO
Info: What's new:
- 3 new girls join the fry! Have fun making use of the corrupting Q-Bee, the hard hitter Makoto=Nanaya, and the ever wayward dancer Shantae!
- Along with these 3, you now can pick and choose your own teams! Mix and match and find the combo that fits your needs!
- 1 new direct foe joins the fry! The 'Resin Bots' are a new support unit, main to slow down and assist in taking you out. While they might be weak, don't let them preform their namesake skill, or you might be put out on display!
- A new item and point system. Perhaps felt like you could just use a little boost? Wanted to unlock things, but felt the goal was just a tad bit TOO strict? Now you'll earn points after each wave, and when you lose in full, return towards the start to spend them on gear to enhance and boost your chances to win the next time around! There's a .txt that explains the nuances of this system a little better and gives out detailed stats of the girls!
- The foe AI's seen a overhaul utterly so! Now foes will attack a lot more smarter in turn, and they will only attempt binding attacks when HP is 50% of a players max or less. The HP will now turn Yellow when this is meet.
- An updated intro, and 2 new 'Endings' along with the first have been added. have a better understanding of what's going on, more less enjoy all sorts of wonderful 'What If...' endings towards this event!