Wife Trainer Update Version 02c Eng 2016
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• Third hands on training for Sarah no longer ends week
• Sarah will now leave the dungeon properly
• Gloria not talking to you when you go visit her
• Trying to get Chelsea to agree to Weekend Sex Therapy if unsuccessful should no longer prevent you from doing other weekend sessions
• Bree can no longer be hypno’d more than once her week
• Sam’s selfie photos now viewable when you Review Files
• Sam working at the Club events should now work correctly after hypnotizing her.
• Donna should now always leave after her training is finished
• Hypnotizing Donna during post-client visits now changes her stats
• When you visit Hannah without a solution to her money problems yet, you should now always get a working on a solution result that lets you return later
• Variety of small photo and text fixed
• On-going visits now include option to opt out of being asked whether you want to use the Will-Tamer or a Transformation Potion on each visit
• Flavour text to better explain why it’s so annoying to talk to Rae and Dee (i.e. so annoying to read aqua and lime green on white)
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Rae disappearing as your bimbo (ditzy woman)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to ]school (flighty mail carriers)
• Donna sessions sometimes using double energy and causing two day ends
• Sam reappearing at the coffee shop after being lost
• Arrange Weekend Session now available when Energy brought back to 20, not just over 20,
• Will-Tamer now usable on Donna in regular sessions, not just weekend.
• Sarah will now join you in the boudoir or dungeon
• Sarah should now always leave after her training is finished
• Corrected a wrong photo in your first date with Rae
• Relationship maintenance timer now correctly starts when you begin the relationship, not just after your first session with a new girlfriend or slave
• All your girlfriends and untransformed slaves should now leave if they are being ignored, not just some of them (unless, of course, you’ve done something to prevent them from leaving)
Possibly Fixed:
• Elsa stats not always updating (pretty sure I have this bug squished this time but it’s proven resilient in the past)
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to school (flighty mail carriers)
• Three new major clients (Donna the Empty Nester, Alexis the Personal Assistant, and Sarah the Loving Wife)
• Two new minor clients (Diamond the Slave Girl and Anne the Tortured Soul)
• Multiple supporting characters (Sam the Barista, Bethany the Banker, Julia the Jewelry Clerk, Hannah the School Principal, Dee the Daughter, and introduced Taylor the Coffee Girl and Tracy the Club Member)
• New continuing actions content for some existing characters, mostly for Elsa including new relationship options for her after she is a Domme (and as requested, her sex scene with Marilyn has been expanded)
• Two new ways to gain access to the Club
• One new candidate you can use to get Janice the Lawyer on retainer
• Two new ways to get on Marilyn’s good side
• Access to Dark Arts Store (once you meet the required conditions)
• Sessions with Gloria the Club President’s wife
• Housewarming gift is now useful
• You no longer forget how to have sex with Bree after she becomes your slave
• Review files of former clients.
• Nicole being transformable multiple times
• Terri sex training complete not ending that action choice
• Rae as stripper still being available for dates
• Lawyer’s Receptionist photo appearing in place of Lauren’s Receptionist in some instances
• Deciding not to transform Lauren with Will-Tamer still resulting in loss of Will-Tamer
Possibly Fixed:
• Added slight delay to the display of client stats, as workaround for intermittent issue with clients occasionally displaying out-of-date or wrong client stats
• Elsa lesbian and domme actions continue to be available after she becomes your girlfriend
• Terri additional possible conversation about youth so first conversation never duplicated
• Terri transformation game[/url] hang (fixed for real this time – I think)
• Nicole when hypno controlled and bisexual should now only be available for lesbian sessions on Tuesday
• Nicole when hypno controlled conversion to slavegirl should now use up Will-Tamer
• Hypno girlfriend maintenance no longer by-passable using cancel option
Possibly Fixed:
• Occasional display of wrong stats for Elsa and possibly other clients
Possible Outstanding Issue:
• Jasmine conversion to Showgirl not triggering reward from Club even when no prior Showgirls lost
• Advice for new players on start
• Rest to regain energy option
• Buy a coffee option downtown
• Down/up exits to and from basement in addition to South/North for players who find that more intuitive
• A few bits of transition text and photos to improve logical coherence of some story lines
• Not always getting to Rep 1 after getting a satisfied client
• Chelsea at glory hole game hang
• Chelsea girlfriend lesbian activities not accessible
• Chelsea workout not allowing opt out of sex
• Terri transformation game hang
• Jasmine occasional locking of office actions for the week incorrectly
• Lauren lend for revenge room move error
• Lauren unlimited Will Tamer uses
• Elsa obedience training with machine not ending day
• Elsa cowgirl action variable set error
• Elsa second sex act variable set error
• Elsa suspension gear action not doing anything
• Elsa facial not testing for success correctly
• Elsa anal not advancing to second scene
• Elsa puppy not opening pet store
• Rae transformation leaving incorrect action options and not removing potion
• Rae reappearing after you lose her as your girlfriend
• Bree slavegirl actions not doing anything
• Sophie lend money triggering pimp events
• Neighbor event chain broken for Naturally Dominant trait
• Marilyn reward scene saves not reloading correctly
• Some other scenes with potential for saves not reloading correctly
• Some text issues
Known Issues:
• Occasional display of wrong stats for Elsa and possibly other clients
Initial public release of version 0.1

• Third hands on training for Sarah no longer ends week
• Sarah will now leave the dungeon properly
• Gloria not talking to you when you go visit her
• Trying to get Chelsea to agree to Weekend Sex Therapy if unsuccessful should no longer prevent you from doing other weekend sessions
• Bree can no longer be hypno’d more than once her week
• Sam’s selfie photos now viewable when you Review Files
• Sam working at the Club events should now work correctly after hypnotizing her.
• Donna should now always leave after her training is finished
• Hypnotizing Donna during post-client visits now changes her stats
• When you visit Hannah without a solution to her money problems yet, you should now always get a working on a solution result that lets you return later
• Variety of small photo and text fixed
• On-going visits now include option to opt out of being asked whether you want to use the Will-Tamer or a Transformation Potion on each visit
• Flavour text to better explain why it’s so annoying to talk to Rae and Dee (i.e. so annoying to read aqua and lime green on white)
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Rae disappearing as your bimbo (ditzy woman)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to ]school (flighty mail carriers)
• Donna sessions sometimes using double energy and causing two day ends
• Sam reappearing at the coffee shop after being lost
• Arrange Weekend Session now available when Energy brought back to 20, not just over 20,
• Will-Tamer now usable on Donna in regular sessions, not just weekend.
• Sarah will now join you in the boudoir or dungeon
• Sarah should now always leave after her training is finished
• Corrected a wrong photo in your first date with Rae
• Relationship maintenance timer now correctly starts when you begin the relationship, not just after your first session with a new girlfriend or slave
• All your girlfriends and untransformed slaves should now leave if they are being ignored, not just some of them (unless, of course, you’ve done something to prevent them from leaving)
Possibly Fixed:
• Elsa stats not always updating (pretty sure I have this bug squished this time but it’s proven resilient in the past)
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to school (flighty mail carriers)
• Three new major clients (Donna the Empty Nester, Alexis the Personal Assistant, and Sarah the Loving Wife)
• Two new minor clients (Diamond the Slave Girl and Anne the Tortured Soul)
• Multiple supporting characters (Sam the Barista, Bethany the Banker, Julia the Jewelry Clerk, Hannah the School Principal, Dee the Daughter, and introduced Taylor the Coffee Girl and Tracy the Club Member)
• New continuing actions content for some existing characters, mostly for Elsa including new relationship options for her after she is a Domme (and as requested, her sex scene with Marilyn has been expanded)
• Two new ways to gain access to the Club
• One new candidate you can use to get Janice the Lawyer on retainer
• Two new ways to get on Marilyn’s good side
• Access to Dark Arts Store (once you meet the required conditions)
• Sessions with Gloria the Club President’s wife
• Housewarming gift is now useful
• You no longer forget how to have sex with Bree after she becomes your slave
• Review files of former clients.
• Nicole being transformable multiple times
• Terri sex training complete not ending that action choice
• Rae as stripper still being available for dates
• Lawyer’s Receptionist photo appearing in place of Lauren’s Receptionist in some instances
• Deciding not to transform Lauren with Will-Tamer still resulting in loss of Will-Tamer
Possibly Fixed:
• Added slight delay to the display of client stats, as workaround for intermittent issue with clients occasionally displaying out-of-date or wrong client stats
• Elsa lesbian and domme actions continue to be available after she becomes your girlfriend
• Terri additional possible conversation about youth so first conversation never duplicated
• Terri transformation game[/url] hang (fixed for real this time – I think)
• Nicole when hypno controlled and bisexual should now only be available for lesbian sessions on Tuesday
• Nicole when hypno controlled conversion to slavegirl should now use up Will-Tamer
• Hypno girlfriend maintenance no longer by-passable using cancel option
Possibly Fixed:
• Occasional display of wrong stats for Elsa and possibly other clients
Possible Outstanding Issue:
• Jasmine conversion to Showgirl not triggering reward from Club even when no prior Showgirls lost
• Advice for new players on start
• Rest to regain energy option
• Buy a coffee option downtown
• Down/up exits to and from basement in addition to South/North for players who find that more intuitive
• A few bits of transition text and photos to improve logical coherence of some story lines
• Not always getting to Rep 1 after getting a satisfied client
• Chelsea at glory hole game hang
• Chelsea girlfriend lesbian activities not accessible
• Chelsea workout not allowing opt out of sex
• Terri transformation game hang
• Jasmine occasional locking of office actions for the week incorrectly
• Lauren lend for revenge room move error
• Lauren unlimited Will Tamer uses
• Elsa obedience training with machine not ending day
• Elsa cowgirl action variable set error
• Elsa second sex act variable set error
• Elsa suspension gear action not doing anything
• Elsa facial not testing for success correctly
• Elsa anal not advancing to second scene
• Elsa puppy not opening pet store
• Rae transformation leaving incorrect action options and not removing potion
• Rae reappearing after you lose her as your girlfriend
• Bree slavegirl actions not doing anything
• Sophie lend money triggering pimp events
• Neighbor event chain broken for Naturally Dominant trait
• Marilyn reward scene saves not reloading correctly
• Some other scenes with potential for saves not reloading correctly
• Some text issues
Known Issues:
• Occasional display of wrong stats for Elsa and possibly other clients
Initial public release of version 0.1