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This is my first attempt at game making, so I have had to learn Twine, a little HTML, picture and GIF[/url] creation and editing from scratch, so I am not confident I have written (the code) as efficiently as I could have (widgets still challenge me). I am not looking for highly technical critique of my programming at this stage. Some pointers? Sure. But I am more interested in how the game feels, whether I have the balance right etc.
The main things I am looking for in feedback are
Your opinion on whether the first person perspective works, both visually and in the text.
There are a few variables that the player has to balance to advance through the story. There may be more than one way to move the variables one way or the other.
I have reinstated the 'Back' function while the game is in Beta, reduced the chance of encountering a mugger, and increased the chance of surviving the mugger, I have provided additional save slots
As I said, it is still pretty rough around the edges, and the writing is still very patchy, but feel free to have a play around and give me some constructive comments/criticisms.

This is my first attempt at game making, so I have had to learn Twine, a little HTML, picture and GIF[/url] creation and editing from scratch, so I am not confident I have written (the code) as efficiently as I could have (widgets still challenge me). I am not looking for highly technical critique of my programming at this stage. Some pointers? Sure. But I am more interested in how the game feels, whether I have the balance right etc.
The main things I am looking for in feedback are
Your opinion on whether the first person perspective works, both visually and in the text.
There are a few variables that the player has to balance to advance through the story. There may be more than one way to move the variables one way or the other.
I have reinstated the 'Back' function while the game is in Beta, reduced the chance of encountering a mugger, and increased the chance of surviving the mugger, I have provided additional save slots
As I said, it is still pretty rough around the edges, and the writing is still very patchy, but feel free to have a play around and give me some constructive comments/criticisms.