Corporate Raider 1-3 Invasion of Operations by selectacorp
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You are an agent of the shadowy SelectaCorp organization, a specialist in global 'human capital transference'. Your mission is to begin the takeover of a company called Artemis Systems. Under the guise of a lowly Management Trainee, you'll need to manipulate your way into control of the Branch Office-- a crucial first step. You'll have some help but you also have a time limit. And then there are all those women you'll need to force to submit before you can achieve your goals...
A sequel to CR 1. You've established your corporate power base but you're far from completing your take over. Next step: conquer the crucial Operations Department!
Final installment of the CR series. You now stand ready to take on and achieve your ultimate prize-- control of Artemis Systems. But as the stakes go up, so too do the challenges..

You are an agent of the shadowy SelectaCorp organization, a specialist in global 'human capital transference'. Your mission is to begin the takeover of a company called Artemis Systems. Under the guise of a lowly Management Trainee, you'll need to manipulate your way into control of the Branch Office-- a crucial first step. You'll have some help but you also have a time limit. And then there are all those women you'll need to force to submit before you can achieve your goals...
A sequel to CR 1. You've established your corporate power base but you're far from completing your take over. Next step: conquer the crucial Operations Department!
Final installment of the CR series. You now stand ready to take on and achieve your ultimate prize-- control of Artemis Systems. But as the stakes go up, so too do the challenges..