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Version: 2.0 + BugFix MV
updated 4 February, 2017
OS Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
RAM 512 MB or more
HDD ≈ 4 GB
Change log Ver2.0 + patch Bugfix
-The Mainstory is finished!
-Zamoxys Faceart fixed
-Z-Layer for the doors in Club Summerheat fixed
-Overlay in Slinsk Prison fixed
-Several Clipping Issues fixed
-Ornesse fast travel crystal fixed
-Popups in the Church of the dying sands fixed
-Ornesse Pub has been fixed
-Parallax Error after Meredith CQ has been fixed
-Mage Guild Quest Battleback fixed
-Mage Guild Quest - Companions now visible and PC movement speed fixed after completing the quest
-Encounter with the three orcs in the orc camp fixed (invisible PC & Battle Background)
-The Male PC X Farm Origin Mother scenes now work as intended.
(This one is a huge fix since two scenes were locked because of it)
-Missing overlay map in novos inn fixed
-Tileset bug in the basement where you recruit roderick
-Wrong gender faceart fixed during dialogue with female dwarf barbarian
-The Carys/Meredith erotic scene at the pond now works as intended
-Shadow Knights are now visible during combat.
-Lot more smaller fixes.
2.0 Bugfix
- The Lever during "Dam" Mission now works as intended
- The Ornesse Pub can now be entered without any freezes.
- Bugtest NPC in front of Ornesse Pub has been removed
- You're no longer able to travel to Ornesse before you're reached the quest related point in the mainstory. Also Xas won't unlock before the summeredge mainstory event.
- The game will now proberbly fade in when you encounter anza and if you decide to kill her
- You're no longer able to stuck inside the factory with levius if you're skipping to fast through the dialogue before.
- Travelling through the bridge at valorn now first directs the player to the valorn forest area as intended
- Carys now actually leaves when your corruption level is too high
- The player is no longer granted "super-speed" after being imprisoned in act III
- Zent Ending Slide text fixed
- Meredith's skill "Invocation" now removes stuns instead of adding one

Version: 2.0 + BugFix MV
updated 4 February, 2017
OS Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
RAM 512 MB or more
HDD ≈ 4 GB
Change log Ver2.0 + patch Bugfix
-The Mainstory is finished!
-Zamoxys Faceart fixed
-Z-Layer for the doors in Club Summerheat fixed
-Overlay in Slinsk Prison fixed
-Several Clipping Issues fixed
-Ornesse fast travel crystal fixed
-Popups in the Church of the dying sands fixed
-Ornesse Pub has been fixed
-Parallax Error after Meredith CQ has been fixed
-Mage Guild Quest Battleback fixed
-Mage Guild Quest - Companions now visible and PC movement speed fixed after completing the quest
-Encounter with the three orcs in the orc camp fixed (invisible PC & Battle Background)
-The Male PC X Farm Origin Mother scenes now work as intended.
(This one is a huge fix since two scenes were locked because of it)
-Missing overlay map in novos inn fixed
-Tileset bug in the basement where you recruit roderick
-Wrong gender faceart fixed during dialogue with female dwarf barbarian
-The Carys/Meredith erotic scene at the pond now works as intended
-Shadow Knights are now visible during combat.
-Lot more smaller fixes.
2.0 Bugfix
- The Lever during "Dam" Mission now works as intended
- The Ornesse Pub can now be entered without any freezes.
- Bugtest NPC in front of Ornesse Pub has been removed
- You're no longer able to travel to Ornesse before you're reached the quest related point in the mainstory. Also Xas won't unlock before the summeredge mainstory event.
- The game will now proberbly fade in when you encounter anza and if you decide to kill her
- You're no longer able to stuck inside the factory with levius if you're skipping to fast through the dialogue before.
- Travelling through the bridge at valorn now first directs the player to the valorn forest area as intended
- Carys now actually leaves when your corruption level is too high
- The player is no longer granted "super-speed" after being imprisoned in act III
- Zent Ending Slide text fixed
- Meredith's skill "Invocation" now removes stuns instead of adding one