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Fix 314 - A new full scene has been added and can be triggered by visiting the camp.
Fix 315 - Talking with Ra'Tiki could glitch her conversation tree and entering the tent, this has been fixed.
Fix 316 - Additional triggers has been added to track if you've romanced certain women during the same playthrough.
Fix 317 - Northern Creek had various issues that have all been addressed and corrected.
Fix 318 - The latest companion didn't show up properly at Summer Cove, this has been fixed.

Fix 314 - A new full scene has been added and can be triggered by visiting the camp.
Fix 315 - Talking with Ra'Tiki could glitch her conversation tree and entering the tent, this has been fixed.
Fix 316 - Additional triggers has been added to track if you've romanced certain women during the same playthrough.
Fix 317 - Northern Creek had various issues that have all been addressed and corrected.
Fix 318 - The latest companion didn't show up properly at Summer Cove, this has been fixed.