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Friends of Mine Version 0.3e by Sunfall

You have heard from your friends father that he believes that your friend is on drugs. He has asked you to investigate, but what you find is even more unbelievable!


Though the game has somewhat of a main story, it\'s really a more open game with several different stories that you can pursue. Currently there is a Male/Female relationship, as well as Male/Male (sissy) and Male/Female (Bimbofication) stories developing. You can also become a sissy yourself and later will be able to become a woman, however those stories aren\'t really developed much yet. I plan to continue developing this for quite some time, even adding in new cities to visit!
Current Free version is 0.3e
Patch notes for 0.3d/e:

- You can now read the Women's Magazine if you have at least a bit of sissiness in you.
- There is two little scenes where you can embarrass Felix in front of his family with the two item you find in his room.
- You can now read the porn magazine for some pics and arousal.
- If you choose to help feminize Felix, you can now begin flirting with him.
- You can now get blowjobs in the park from Alicia after spending the night with her.
- Reduced the amount of dates it takes to go home with Alicia, as it was higher than intended.
- You can now buy a porn magazine and suggestive women's magazine from the Gas Station.
- You can now find 2 items from snooping around Felix's room depending on where you are in his storyline.
- Made some item images for an inventory system.
- Fixed a bug where the story wasn't progressing properly after accusing Alicia of stealing.
- Fixed Alicia having friendly options after accusing her of stealing.
- Found out that I was using the wrong slash function. Oops! Fixed those pesky slashes.
- Fixed a weird text error in the Objectives page.
- Fixed errors when interacting with the Pawn Shop Owner in the park.
- Added images for Felix's parents.
- Talking to Felix about drugs and about his plans both now require energy.
- Rewrote the code for watching tv and added gifs.
- Fixed the Gas Station Owner's image.
- Fixed errors when buying flowers.
- Fixed some more typos and incorrect numbers.
- Added some random popups on your computer if Chloe begins sissfying you.
- Flirting with Alicia now costs 10 energy.
- Increased energy consumption all around.
- Redesigned the Status bar buttons to be more subtle.

- Added 2 more random gifs while searching for porn on the computer.
- Choosing to Accuse Alicia of Stealing should no longer break the trinket quest line.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed the text not being correctly colored when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed an error when flirting with Felix.
- Fixed the energy text when eating food.
- Added an icon to show that snooping around Felix's room costs Energy.
- Fixed the error when snooping around Felix's Room.
- Fixed the error with the Women's magazine in your character's room

Friends of Mine Version 0.3e by Sunfall