Due Process Version 0.2.2 Beta by kivik
Beta 0.2.2
Change Log
- grammar fixes
Bug Fixes
- fixed image errors in ending 4
- fixed incorrect images being used for Karen for simple dress
- should have fixed potential error for when Karen in skimpy black dress in certain states
- fixed background not blurring when subject rejects a task
- fixed Stats History Screen in the lab showing invisible stats (e.g. Catherine's contentment)
Beta 0.2.0
Change Log
Content Update
- tweaked happy ending's scene renders
- continuation from happy ending with second subject to the game
Gameplay Mechanics
- added leisure activity mechanics:
- when subjects aren't tasked to do anything (in the evening hours), or if they reject a task, they'll randomly decide whether to do something else or not (currently only masturbation, but more actions in the future)
- added desperate conditions to subjects when deciding whether they'd perform a task. e.g. hunger > 80%
- optional hints to when new dialogue options are available
- changed studying to take 3 hours
- attributes gained from studying is still not in use yet
- added stats history tracking, accessible in the lab
- I know it's annoying to put it there since you get locked out when Karen's not around, but it's not an essential tool, and it becomes fully accessible later in the game
UI/UX changes
- added two preference options (accessible via Game Menu):
- give hints - provide in-game hints at specific moments, such as new dialogue options
- OFF by default
- [F] key skips dialogues - allows the F key to both Fast Forward an hour AND skip dialogue, allowing quicker way to skip dialogues
- ON by default
- tweaked HUD
- added game menu button
- added location label
- combined date, time, location to top right corner
- moved HUD buttons to the right underneath the date time
- keyboard shortcuts changed
- avoiding keys like "H" for default key to hide screen elements
- and generally making them easier on the fingers for repetitive buttons, e.g. )
- tweaked general UI
- removed confirmation dialogue after setting schedule
- subject & player stats screen remembers opened / closed state
- changed "advance time" to "fast forward an hour"
- shortkey changed to F, full screen can be accessed by Alt + Enter or F11
- stats display:
- only subject stats' percentage is now coloured for easier reading of stats itself
- stats bar now coloured based on progress
- added glass overlay to living quarters to further suggest isolation from subject
- Subject will automatically change to sports outfit when exercising
Under the hood
- rewrote how character attributes are handled, this means each character can now have completely different attributes, leading to more dynamic gameplay in the future
- rewrote how character image are fetched, easier image management for NPCs in different modes: NPC, Subject (during isolation), Slave and maybe more in the future
- rewrote how tasks and meals are stored, instead of meal inside a task (which could cause problems in future with multiple subjects), they're stored as a dict against a character's timeslot, prevent instance reused error (two NPCs with same task but different meals)
- added part 1 of a new keywords mechanics to the game, during the game player has the possibility to gain keywords
- part 2, not implemented will be to accessing and using these keywords (due for next major release)
- added feedback attributes to why a subject is performing a task / activity - only used with masturbation where you can tell whether subject is doing it themselves or part of a task
- tweaked task rejection feedback code to allow flexible number of feedback options (instead of a static 3)
- skeletons for character descriptions
Bug Fixes
- Karen no longer incorrectly report Catherine's hunger as spiking even when she's fine
- Karen's dialogue when arriving and leaving work now shows her as speaker
- cancelling study no longer advances time
- subjects image no longer switch between task and standing portrait (thought I just overlooked it but my code was supposed to prevent the switch, but a bug meant it never prevented it)
- general bug fixes

Change Log
- grammar fixes
Bug Fixes
- fixed image errors in ending 4
- fixed incorrect images being used for Karen for simple dress
- should have fixed potential error for when Karen in skimpy black dress in certain states
- fixed background not blurring when subject rejects a task
- fixed Stats History Screen in the lab showing invisible stats (e.g. Catherine's contentment)
Beta 0.2.0
Change Log
Content Update
- tweaked happy ending's scene renders
- continuation from happy ending with second subject to the game
Gameplay Mechanics
- added leisure activity mechanics:
- when subjects aren't tasked to do anything (in the evening hours), or if they reject a task, they'll randomly decide whether to do something else or not (currently only masturbation, but more actions in the future)
- added desperate conditions to subjects when deciding whether they'd perform a task. e.g. hunger > 80%
- optional hints to when new dialogue options are available
- changed studying to take 3 hours
- attributes gained from studying is still not in use yet
- added stats history tracking, accessible in the lab
- I know it's annoying to put it there since you get locked out when Karen's not around, but it's not an essential tool, and it becomes fully accessible later in the game
UI/UX changes
- added two preference options (accessible via Game Menu):
- give hints - provide in-game hints at specific moments, such as new dialogue options
- OFF by default
- [F] key skips dialogues - allows the F key to both Fast Forward an hour AND skip dialogue, allowing quicker way to skip dialogues
- ON by default
- tweaked HUD
- added game menu button
- added location label
- combined date, time, location to top right corner
- moved HUD buttons to the right underneath the date time
- keyboard shortcuts changed
- avoiding keys like "H" for default key to hide screen elements
- and generally making them easier on the fingers for repetitive buttons, e.g. )
- tweaked general UI
- removed confirmation dialogue after setting schedule
- subject & player stats screen remembers opened / closed state
- changed "advance time" to "fast forward an hour"
- shortkey changed to F, full screen can be accessed by Alt + Enter or F11
- stats display:
- only subject stats' percentage is now coloured for easier reading of stats itself
- stats bar now coloured based on progress
- added glass overlay to living quarters to further suggest isolation from subject
- Subject will automatically change to sports outfit when exercising
Under the hood
- rewrote how character attributes are handled, this means each character can now have completely different attributes, leading to more dynamic gameplay in the future
- rewrote how character image are fetched, easier image management for NPCs in different modes: NPC, Subject (during isolation), Slave and maybe more in the future
- rewrote how tasks and meals are stored, instead of meal inside a task (which could cause problems in future with multiple subjects), they're stored as a dict against a character's timeslot, prevent instance reused error (two NPCs with same task but different meals)
- added part 1 of a new keywords mechanics to the game, during the game player has the possibility to gain keywords
- part 2, not implemented will be to accessing and using these keywords (due for next major release)
- added feedback attributes to why a subject is performing a task / activity - only used with masturbation where you can tell whether subject is doing it themselves or part of a task
- tweaked task rejection feedback code to allow flexible number of feedback options (instead of a static 3)
- skeletons for character descriptions
Bug Fixes
- Karen no longer incorrectly report Catherine's hunger as spiking even when she's fine
- Karen's dialogue when arriving and leaving work now shows her as speaker
- cancelling study no longer advances time
- subjects image no longer switch between task and standing portrait (thought I just overlooked it but my code was supposed to prevent the switch, but a bug meant it never prevented it)
- general bug fixes