Untitled Enlit3D Version 4.5c by Enlit3D
Right now it plays like a dungeon crawler - take your party (or solo) into randomly generated dungeons with enemies, bosses, traps (to come), etc that presents interesting challenges and scenes for our heroines (and heroes in the future). Dress up your character(s) with the loot and treasure found in the dungeons, pick your favorite weapons and even adjust body proportions directly via sliders - no RNG this time, fully functional inventory, equipment and sliders UI.
implemented new feature to move the camera while any UI elem is invisible - drag with LMB when mouse is not hovered on any UI elem.
implemented armor
protection - reduces damage taken, armor is less effective when damage is much higher than armor
deflection - resists stagger when struck and may even bounce weak attacks. Less effective against strong attacks, doesn't protect against damage
encumbrance - increases stamina cost of all actions
increased enemy drop rate of equipped items by ~50%
implemented position selection window rather than going by chance
implemented experimental "Delete Save" feature under Options - Controls. This requires a game restart.
implemented threesome animations
currently 2 are in game, a M+M/F position and a F+F/F position\
note: currently the licking positions doesn't work well with non-standard sizes
reimplemented the Quest/NPC/Zone save and load system. As a result, quest progress is wiped. (you keep all existing rewards)
fixed bug that caused bounce backs to not work
fixed bug/crush when switching out of bows
ranged AI target acquisition range is now 35 (from 50)
you can no longer use positions that targets boobs on characters that doesnt have any
AI is now more angrier at interrupters when it's busy
fixed summoned AI being too shy at engaging sex
pressing Menu Key (ESC) while under a yes/no option will now select no instead of yes
modding - game now reserves all mod folders starting with "_" for base game use
renamed "base" folder to "_base"
added "_unstable" folder which contains things that are far more subject to change than the _base folder
will gradually exposes more modding options into the "_unstable" folder

Right now it plays like a dungeon crawler - take your party (or solo) into randomly generated dungeons with enemies, bosses, traps (to come), etc that presents interesting challenges and scenes for our heroines (and heroes in the future). Dress up your character(s) with the loot and treasure found in the dungeons, pick your favorite weapons and even adjust body proportions directly via sliders - no RNG this time, fully functional inventory, equipment and sliders UI.
implemented new feature to move the camera while any UI elem is invisible - drag with LMB when mouse is not hovered on any UI elem.
implemented armor
protection - reduces damage taken, armor is less effective when damage is much higher than armor
deflection - resists stagger when struck and may even bounce weak attacks. Less effective against strong attacks, doesn't protect against damage
encumbrance - increases stamina cost of all actions
increased enemy drop rate of equipped items by ~50%
implemented position selection window rather than going by chance
implemented experimental "Delete Save" feature under Options - Controls. This requires a game restart.
implemented threesome animations
currently 2 are in game, a M+M/F position and a F+F/F position\
note: currently the licking positions doesn't work well with non-standard sizes
reimplemented the Quest/NPC/Zone save and load system. As a result, quest progress is wiped. (you keep all existing rewards)
fixed bug that caused bounce backs to not work
fixed bug/crush when switching out of bows
ranged AI target acquisition range is now 35 (from 50)
you can no longer use positions that targets boobs on characters that doesnt have any
AI is now more angrier at interrupters when it's busy
fixed summoned AI being too shy at engaging sex
pressing Menu Key (ESC) while under a yes/no option will now select no instead of yes
modding - game now reserves all mod folders starting with "_" for base game use
renamed "base" folder to "_base"
added "_unstable" folder which contains things that are far more subject to change than the _base folder
will gradually exposes more modding options into the "_unstable" folder