Crouler AloneXP version
A new release has been uploaded. It is a minor release though, adding only a bit for the hospital.
Content + fixes:
Fixed Rectory Zana conversation repeat
Fixed the wayfinders in the capital not being able to go to the docks
Updated 2 of the sex pictures from the new batch in the market.
They were the wrong version
Added smithy and their shop to the market
Added to restaurant in market. More to come, function wise.
Added the slaver in the market, though a bare minimum so far
Added quite a few sex scenes
Added a woman who can get some darker desires sated for evil divines
Added new event at castle for good players, adding to a VERY old part of the game

Content + fixes:
Fixed Rectory Zana conversation repeat
Fixed the wayfinders in the capital not being able to go to the docks
Updated 2 of the sex pictures from the new batch in the market.
They were the wrong version
Added smithy and their shop to the market
Added to restaurant in market. More to come, function wise.
Added the slaver in the market, though a bare minimum so far
Added quite a few sex scenes
Added a woman who can get some darker desires sated for evil divines
Added new event at castle for good players, adding to a VERY old part of the game