Dumb Crow - 90 Seconds Slave Version 0.71
Updated: 31/08/2018
Censorship: None
Version: 0.71
OS: Win
Language: English
The global epidemic has take lives of almost all people on earth. Only a few were able to develop immunity to virus. When the epidemic has passed, became clear, that women are much more immune, than men. Besides, immunity from the virus dramatically reduced women fertility. Having survived the epidemic, mankind faced a threat of extinction due to low birth rate.

Censorship: None
Version: 0.71
OS: Win
Language: English
The global epidemic has take lives of almost all people on earth. Only a few were able to develop immunity to virus. When the epidemic has passed, became clear, that women are much more immune, than men. Besides, immunity from the virus dramatically reduced women fertility. Having survived the epidemic, mankind faced a threat of extinction due to low birth rate.