Total Seduction v2.3 full by Mike Velesk
New content is centered around a new character Meg, who is a daughter of May. You will however meet her only after day 21 and only if you complete a quest that will bring May to your house. Meg is different than other girls, she hates men in general and you will have some difficulties to seduce her. In a future builds, she will provide basis for additional lesbian sex scenes.You can now buy a dildo at the shop. This will unlock new scenes with Charlotte, Lila, Noelle, Misty, Luna and Meg. Scenes with dildo are shorter (15 min), require only minimum Lust but you will get full exp for them so they are good for leveling.There is also a new functionality - time skip. You can now wait/skip time anywhere, simply by pressing key "T" and setting how many hours you want to skip. You can however wait only until midnight of a current day, so you cannot skip days.