Milftoon Drama Version v0.18 - Part 2 by Milftoon
Branch of one of the best artists of Milftoon.com and their developer has set out to create on of the longest sexual adventures online. Milftoon Drama revolves around our hero Joey who is getting ready for college and is desperate for some action before he goes there. Everyone is a target this sexual predator... from his teachers , his neighbors, his girlfriend and even targets from his own surroundings.Change Log:Added : 1. A Multi-part scene with Teacher Milf with surprise ending2. Teasers and prep scenes with Teacher Milf3. House Milf teasers 4. Secondary Character - The Detective5. Lots of storyline progression with Mrs Jackson and Linda (House milf)6. Some storyline progression with The Old Lady and The Detective7. Some money grind is required but you can skip most of it with the build-in cheat (F12 button). You will still have to find the $1 that the cheat wont give you as this is required by the storyline progression.8. Fixed a bug which caused Linda to appear on scenes that she was not supposed to.