Valor And Glory - Version 0.1.8 by Leopold Visette
The game takes place in the world of Euthoria, a country ruled by counts that keep their subjects 'safe' from the creatures of the lands. Raised by nuns, trained by pitiful master and blamed for a crime that you didn't commit, you now find yourself with nothing to your name. No other way, you must steel yourself for the world around you, or submit to its way of living.New features: Bounty board has been added - it can be found at the barracks in Wetlock I've been adding some small drawings to the story segments - hopefully making it a little more interesting. More will be added with time. Bad ending scenes - Some of the game-ending beasts now has a scene, describing just how your game ends. It's always smutty.New scenes: The sergeant has received a bad end scene - animated and colored Another bad end scene for the newly added monster - animated and colored Mag'ie the bank teller can now reward players with penises - animatedNew character: The Collector Sells a series of items. Can be found by a quest from the bounty boardNew Boss: The croconoid monster has been added to the gameNew Quests: A new quest where you take on the Croconoid in the sewers A new quest to introduce the player to the collectorSounds I've invested some patreon money into a sound effect pack, and I've added a few of them to the game.Items: There's been added a handful of new items, which is sold by the collector Knapsack: increases inventory space Travelers stone: Unlock quicktravel Ruffle drake amulet: provide bonus gold on random encounter wins M-Puppet: Grants bonus mana and intelligence Bunny of null: Grants charisma and agilityCustomization: The male human has received more colors for his hairstylesMonsters: The Brownie and Red slime have received new combat portraitsCompanions: Doggy has received a new skin - Meet Lava doggo!Changes: Removed the lust requirement for Feron's scene - it was more of you being the seducer scenario. The dog companion's max level is 10, but now upon reaching max level, the companion's xp should correctly state that it has reached "max level". The bank was a bit buggy and not as user friendly as I wanted. I've tried to rectify this.Fixes: Fixed that changing races during the character creator, set hp and mp properly The Uthgarr drinking scenes weren't working due to some old and bad code I've made. It's fixed now. Sorry... I've tried to improve upon how sounds are played, since people were experiencing overlaying background tracks. Tell if it still continues. Fixed that the boner staff froze combat. Fixed an error where clicking continue rather than oral in Feron's romance option resulted in a blank screen. The combat background for the sewers where visible behind the other combat environments Some of the statuseffects in the game was causing crashes. I've tried to fix this, but notify me if it persists. Fixed an issue where the tooltip wouldn't show for the companion's stats. Fixed that the code "Perverseknowledge" now can be typed. Having either the "ballad boost" status effect or the "well fed" status effect resulted in not being able to save. It's fixed now. Fixed a mistake where the watcher's robe graphic showed it needed bones to be crafted. Fixed an issue where the magical harem pants couldn't be crafted. Fixed an issue where you couldn't drag bank inventory around Fixed an issue where you couldn't remove items Fixed an issue where the loot icons would turn all black rather than empty. The item amount numbers still had raycast targets on them, which messed the drag and drop up if you release the mouse with the pointer on the number. Might have fixed an issue with the companion's items disappearing, but I'm not certain. Report if it reappears. Fixed another error with status effects denying players the ability to save The charisma items Smiggins sold had the wrong icons Fixed that the meaty sausage can now be eaten Fixed that quicktravel wasn't workingNotes: I've spend some time of May implementing some version control to Valor and Glory. It basically means I always have the project backed up and I can rollback if something goes bad. My former solution of using dropbox was an absolutely pitiful one - shameful to my programming peers.