Damsels and Dungeons Version 1.14 by Amaraine

New Content:If you’ve already rescued Carly, it’s possible she needs rescuing again and may join your camp if you do so. Carly will try to teach some of your girls with less desirable traits better habits and outlooks.UI Improvements:Town Screen and Party Selection screens now display estimated net income, exclusive of adventuring gains. Gold, Mana, and Crystals are color coded to make them easier to see at a glance.Town Screen and Party Selection screens now display current faction levels, and messages to highlight certain ongoing events.Characters and Monsters now are highlighted in some fashion when the mouse is over them, showing more clearly what character you are selecting by clicking.v1.14New Content:A significant amount of text has been added to various sexual actions. Many actions will give you different text in different circumstances, and the system is set up for more variation in the future.Added a scene with Shamira involving the Masocishm fetish.UI Improvements:Many text buttons have been replaced with something graphically more attractive, with tool tips. The old tutorial text has, in most cases, been replaced by the tool tips, which will be available throughout the game.You now click a button to send the girls on a mission, rather than them automatically going when the mission is full.When a girl is speaking, her name will be listed as the speaker.In addition to Gold, Mana, and remaining Attention, the information that appears when interacting with girls for sexy times now includes how many girls have yet to be checked for whether they want sexy times or not, allowing you to make more informed decisions about how to spend your attention.Bug Fixes:If you exit the mission screen after assigning some girls to a mission, but not enough, the game now removes them from the mission, rather than leaving them on with the date to complete the mission not set.Functionality Changes:Blowjobs and Handjobs use less attention, as does Kissing. Many actions, however, can be segued into from other actions -- kissing can lead to making out, which can lead to a blow job, with cumulative attention costs.Because most of the “lesser” actions can be gotten to by starting with kissing, the “take it easier” menu no longer exists.Sex now gives a greater amount of affection. It was nerfed in an earlier version, and this puts it at somewhere between the original amount and the nerfed version.Many sex actions give slightly different rewards or give those rewards under slightly different conditions, or they cost different attention in different circumstances.There is now a chance of pregnancy for Amazons, Paladins, and Barbarians having foursomes.It is no longer possible to get a duplicate character in the Hills by defeating the Reaver Camp, nor is it possible to get a character of the class of one of the 4 existing scripted characters.The degree by which monsters get more difficult over time has been reduced, with lower caps on how much stronger they can get.Monster experience and gold now scales up with the monsters getting harder.

Damsels and Dungeons Version 1.14 by Amaraine
Damsels and Dungeons Version 1.14 by Amaraine
Damsels and Dungeons Version 1.14 by Amaraine