Splendid Ostrich Newlife version 0.5.0c
Newlife is an erotic text-based female-perspective RPG. In this game you'll usually play as a man who's accidentally transformed into a woman - make a new life for yourself, be seduced by charming (or sleazy) men and generally have a fun sexy time. Alternatively, you can select the female start, begin as a woman and play the whole game without changing gender at all.0.5.0cMajor changes & additions:Added a new scene that lets you reveal your pregnancy to your partner even when he isn't the father.It's now possible to lie to your bf and pretend he's the father, although only if he did have sex with you around the time of conception. The PC can get caught when giving birth if the real father's race is different from both hers and her partner's.Added a new work scene (well, technically 2 scenes) that can occur if there's a repairman with a thick cock in the game – it doesn't matter whether or not you've met him before.Instead of the PC's bf sometimes dumping her if she doesn't tell him he's the father, there's now a short new scene in the third-trimester where he'll show up and ask to talk about it. This lets the larger scenes be used for this with their detailed handling of his reaction.Added the “Walk Home Alone” scene submitted by Lost Trouting. This will sometimes appear when the PC leaves the club by herself.Minor changes:Increased the knowledge increase from dating, as suggested by Morion.Added updated versions of the spyOnSex and lowlivesAlleySex scenes provided by Rigel that use the haveSexWith method.Added a few minor variant text passages here and there.Changes for user-submitted content:Following a request by Lost Trouting, added a properties file in the official_content folder with weight multipliers for certain random events. Change the values in this file to affect how often an event will appear.Added a variant inseminatePlayer(int,boolean) method to connect with new pregnancy mechanics that track whether the PC got pregnant while cheating. The old inseminatePlayer(int) method still exists and uses a default of true for the boolean.Added a new method to check if an NPC believes him and the PC have a baby together, whether or not this is true.Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saur, MKB, Madcat, Stochastic, symptom1818, ArsenalJacob and Rafflesia for reporting some of these.The sex-shop date will always dress both characters on exiting now. Thanks to Max Mustermann for reporting this.Fixed an issue reported by Blargan where the cooking class could error for cute characters cooking with an NPC who likes cute women.Fixed an issue that probably won't have been noticeable to players where the bringHome transition to the custom scene wasn't processing relationship modifiers for NPCs other than the one in the next scene.Fixed a problem reported by Jams and Teddy where lying about being unprotected was still leading to some dialogue that referred to the PC being on the pill.