Hard Times in Hornsville by Unlikely version 3.2
Alltogether: - 200 000 + characters (40 000 + words) of new content- 6 new sexable NPCs, 3 new outfits, a completely new location with its special rules and game mechanics- Trisha's storyline continues with more dates, including crossdressing and actuals transformations this time- Old clinic procedures have been spiced up by the appereance of new NPCs- Experilab jail is introduced where you pay off your debt when not paying for a procedure- Content focused on femdom, sissification, feminization, transformation, cuckoldng, chastity, humiliation, medical bondage, drug use, non-con, sex machines, forced body modification, hypnosis and moreSissies reloaded (storyline continues)- New dates and scenes with Trisha- Your girfriend is really getting into this now, she is more demanding and aggressive (but still adorable of course)- Feminizing your body is the perfect opportunity to get you some new clothes- Get introduced to new aspects of the sissy life, pretty clothes, chastity cages, cuckolding and more!- Feminizing your body is a process. Whether you want to change or you don't, you have to earn it by doing tasks for her- New content includes femdom, sissification, feminization, transformation, cuckoldng, chastity, humiliation and more!Doctor's orders (voted in by the community)- Using the surgery to change your body now has some actual content- Four brand new NPCs, each with their specialist interests- Claire, Lara and Dr. Marlowe all have some new content - and new images as well- Not paying for a procedure at the clinic now lands you at Experilab jail wehere you have to take part in experiments to work off your debts- Learn about the dark side of the previously friendly and polite clinic employees. Yes, they are all crazy down here- Disobeying or trying to escape will only make things worse of course, bringign straitjackets and muzzles into play- New content includes medical bondage, drug use, non-con, sex machines, forced body modification, hypnosis and more