Third Crisis v0.14 by AnduoGames
Overview:Third Crisis is an adult tactical-RPG that follows the adventurer and hero known as Vibe. After a mission gone wrong, she’s forced to adjust to her new way of life in the lust-ridden town of Carceburg. Whether she gives in to the bliss of submission or uses her sexual appeal to her advantage on the battlefield is all up to you! As you delve deeper into Carceburg’s mysteries, you’ll come to uncover the secrets surrounding the crisis that saw humanity defeated and enslaved by the sinister organization Peitho.Changelog- Added townhall job quest line with three ingame days worth of events, includes new fullyanimated CG. (0.14.0)- Added three new social eating scenes to show off more of the social eating CG’svariants. (0.14.0)- Added four new h-scenes that involve having sex with party members to heal the partyvia healing beds in the Fiend Hub. (0.14.0)- Added marker item that can be bought at the Gear Shop for applying the body-writingeffects on Jenna at will.- Added debug console command ( GiveDefaultInventory [characterName] ) to give acharacter their default inventory, useful for fixing the problem in legacy saves whereThrob appears as a white box.- Added new interior tileset to be initially used for Karen and Jenna’s house in theirflashbacks.- Modified body-writing effects to give +1 Lust Power per effect (for a total of +8 LP).- Modified the dialogue UI to make character portraits look a lot better, along with makingit less intrusive of CGs.- Modified gallery UI to add backgrounds to buttons and have those same backgroundsplay during certain scenes so there aren’t any more black screens behind a scene.- Modified save UI to now prompt you whenever you try to attempt something that wouldoverwrite a save file to ensure no accidental overwrites are done.- Modified the positions of the NPC spectators in the fight club to make it easier to get tothe fight organizer.- Fixed gallery soft locking when playing certain scenes.- Fixed bug that stops you from being able to save after loading a save while in aprologue fight.- Fixed buttons in the game over screen sometimes not activating properly.- Fixed problem where autosaves would sometimes save when they weren’t supposed to,causing the save to become broken.- Fixed a problem that prevented saves that are broken by the above bug to be unable tocontinue the sublevel 1 quest after rehabbing the touched fiends.- Fixed multiple doors in sublevel 2 being unlocked when they aren’t supposed to be