Tango Transfigure version 0.8980085
Transfigure .8980085 13,000+ wordsTaylor attempts to lead his friends back to civilization. Sam and Taylor go head to head in a high stakes card game. A fateful discovery is made on the internet. Taylor’s celebrity impersonations lead to some awkward encounters. Louise and Taylor get it on. Taylor gets taken advantage of at a concert with Drew.-edited Drew’s early route, added several new lines, pictures, and edits, + fixed various formatting errors, picture sizes etc-added a passage to bypass the floor milk licking scene on Drew’s route (use the towel)-added the option to make a different visualization during masturbation on Drew’s route (imagine coating…)-added a new scene and branch on Drew’s route during the concert along with “Dunko’s End” -”upgraded” Drew’s picture from “Superbad” to “Neckbeard”-added a small amount of content on Taylor Quicksilver’s Spy route. (Singing with Tay Tay! / BBQ start)-continued the two friends story branch lost in the woods (Thanks Director Mitsuha!) -added a jump point for best friends camping -significantly reduced the file size of the Transfigure media folder with minimal quality loss. ~150 megabytes saved! (Thanks Valid Florian for the suggestion!)-Added more Natalie Prynn content (Refuse and call it a night )+ changed Natalie’s picture and centered pics on her route. + a dead alt variation with the bodyguards is filled in.-numerous minor polish edits across multiple paths (Tay QS, Drew, Natalie, two friends).-continued Sam’s romantic route (Evan offshoot, cardgame)-added the sex scene after Taylor’s date with Louise.