Never Saint v0.0.7 fix by Saint Voice
Overview:You play as a young man raised to be a saint.One day Marjorie found you and you were able to leave the church.Meanwhile some weird things start to happen once you leave that place you will try to enjoy your new life out of the purity.Fixed Lag - made for overload live2d bust -Improvements on “idle” move on Maria, Marjorie and MCMost of the double bust bug has been fixedHealing - The MC should heal when go to sleepSome quests when completed appear with some additional text “More events could come here”Fixed most of the problems related to questsAdded Maria bustNew splash screenNew keyboard configuration, The player can change this anytimeNew “Training” at the park’s bars, with this you should have the ability to walk faster when you get 25 points.Choose the type of running: jumping or just walk faster