Yasudi X V0.07 win from Zxc Update
This is an alpha version of a game I’m making and those fortunate few who play it will see that it still needs a lot of work before it’s completed!I decided to make this after playing reigns, which I thought was awesome but I thought could be improved if it included women with big breasts. The game is somewhat similar, with the focus being on trying to make the sultan reign for as long as possible.I’d like to thank ZXC for his fantastic art without which I would not have been able to get this far and for posting this project to his patreon.Most of the backgrounds are placeholders (and the wife and concubines) and will be replaced in future updates. The current focus is on increasing NSFW content, expanding marriageable partners and heirs into the game and increasing the variety of events.- Added Concubine (ZXC)- Added Alchemist (ZXC)- Added Concubine Sex Scene (ZXC)- Added Farida X Tentacles (ZXC)- Added Farida X Orc (ZXC)- Added 3 x Ending Arts (Greivs)- Updated Gallery menus (Scenes, Death scenes[Not guro] and art gallery)Script- Reworked concubine events- Added Spy Events (unlocked by acquiring concubine in the market)- Added Alchemist Events (unlocked after 25 years)- Added extra events to each of the characters (Priestess, Headwoman, Executioner, Maid, Treasurer, General and Vizier)Life style choices- You can now skip the tutorial