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Paccsu - Version 0.16 Fix by Zem

Paccsu - Namu's Journey is a LEWD RPG game set in a fantasy world called Paccsu. You take control of a Muh'kean girl called Namu, who was taken away from her birth parents at a young age to be a part of a holy ritual in Muh'kea's desperate attempt to fight The Undying King, the King of Zombies.v0.16SPOILERPaccsu 0.16 is here with following additions and changes:New Areas:Tuho-Tapa Forest (Side Mission)Professor Humbledorf has a new task for Namu and her friends. This time Namu needs to head deep inside the mystical Tuho-Tapa Forest and locate the ancient tree called Tree of Tuho-Tapa and drain some sap from it. The forest is filled with mysterious, but dangerous creatures.Tuho-Tapa Forest is an optional side mission. This mission is available right after you've finished Purnima's Quest, in front of the Mainio Castle.Misc:Namu gets a new power called Dragon Fire Cyclone at lvl 26Kiva gets a new power called Slime Disaster at lvl 26Replaced Leg Sweep with Steel-Buns Strike (Namu, lvl 11)Rumpus' Buttslam now displays damage dealt to NamuOne Thousand Cuts now hits 15 times and the damage has been adjusted (Namu)Kunai Storm now hits 10 times all targets and the damage has been adjusted (Purnima)Slimopolooza heals 20% of party hp instead of 15%. (Kiva)Shredded is no longer removed by damage and it lasts 3 turns (Shredded decreases target physical resistance by 10%)Mind Drain now drains 3% hp every turn instead of 4%.Disorient now actually lowers defense lmffaoBuffed Dragon's Gaze once again lolAdded Namu's character portrait in the first Booby-Snake encounter and made the snake talkIncreased the drop chance of most loot in the gameMany ittybitty things that are not that noticeableKnown Issues:Game Over screen will always display Purnima's Game Over scene.Sometimes you need to hold the X button longer to advance the scenes that loop. This is because it needs to loop atleast once while you are holding the X key.Save Included:Slot 20 (Purnima's Quest done, in front of Mainio Castle)Fix: Missing texture fix for v0.16. Extract to Paccsu 0.16/www/img/battlebacks1

Paccsu - Version 0.16 Fix by Zem
Paccsu - Version 0.16 Fix by Zem
Paccsu - Version 0.16 Fix by Zem