Cr4ck Cracking The second Strain version 0.2.28

Cracking Version 0.2.28b Main sex scene of the Gas Station in ch1 has been updated Updated the formatting of the Gas Station to lower the amount of clicks needed to get through it Added a Panic System to chapter 2 that increases when infecting certain buildings/locations/people The Panic system is supposed to give some sense of urgency and strategy to the player and cause them to think about which locations to infect first and in which way. Currently only a few locations increase panic as many locations only have one way of infecting them so far but as more of them get fleshed out properly most locations will have some form of panic attached to them upon infection. Worth noting as well is that right now all the upgrades are available as soon as you unlock the HQ lab however this wont be the case in the future where you will instead "purchase" the upgrades from there as you go, allowing more strategy for what to upgrade in order to be able to infect which locations and still keeping the panic low The Radio Station has been temporarily disabled as it's due for a rework and is quite outdated Hotfixed a bug preventing the player from hibernating and effectively locking off a lot of the game

Cr4ck Cracking The second Strain version 0.2.28
Cr4ck Cracking The second Strain version 0.2.28
Cr4ck Cracking The second Strain version 0.2.28