46th Knights - Hypnotic knight - Lost pride (eng)
Language: English (machine translation)In recent years, rumors that the Demon King has been resurrected have spread throughout the world.In fact, information that powerful monsters were revived in various places flew,In fact, the damage caused by them was also reported.Heroine who worked hard every day as a descendant of the hero,Enthusiasm that it is finally time to show the significance of his existence, and go on a journey to subjugate the Demon Lord.I heard that there was a variety of adventurers from various places in a certain bar, and I asked them first.However, few of the adventurers gathered at the tavern are decent people,Few adventurers seriously wanted to subdue the Demon King.While the heroine was complimenting the gathering of friends, the receptionist recommended that the woman was the best recommended by a witch who had a very disturbing atmosphere.The behavior was only suspicious, but it was defeated by the recommendation of an overly eager woman and led him to a friend.