WifeTrainer Beta Ver.0.2f
Free WifeTrainer Beta Ver.0.2f Porn Adult Comics download Fast Adult Comics easy download. WifeTrainer Beta Ver.0.2f complete Adult Comics available online galleries.

Game[/url] Language: English
Wife Trainer is a RAGS ( photo intensive erotic[/url] game. It is NFSW (Not Safe for Work) and is strictly for play by adults. It is not a demo. It should be fully functional (subject to bug playtesting as requested below). Additional content is planned, but a significant amount of content has already been implemented and can be played as a stand-alone game as is.
You play a male character with one of three traits:
• Playboy
• Hypnotist
• Naturally Dominant
Your business is to work with women to help them change. Success with clients increases your reputation, providing you the opportunity to work with additional clients. Continuing actions may also be available with former clients, depending on your level of success when training them.
The characters and game play are intended to be as realistic as games of this sort can be. There are some elements of mind control, transformation, and magic, but you can ignore or emphasize these elements to suit your preferences.
The game is "sandbox" style. There is no overarching storyline. A game end finale is planned once reputation reaches level 5, but like most of the game, it is optional. Play. Explore. Do what interests you. Ignore what doesn't.
• Donna’ hobby training can now be completed.
• Tending to the bonsai tree now works everywhere
• Rae the Bimbo and Rae the Stripper no longer wander away every Monday.
• Cum slut[/url] hypnosis with Donna now works after she stops being a client,
• Elsa’s expanded session with Marilyn now available when she’s your girlfriend.
• Photos of Sam should now always display properly when you Review Files.
• Fixed many typos and grammar (thanks Axterix!) and failure messages when trying to use an item on an inappropriate character.
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Bree leaves a note that she’s leaving but can still be found loitering in your bedroom[/url] (flighty slavegirl)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to school[/url] (flighty mail carriers)
• Lauren’s Punish Her/Discipline Her options disappearing during training
• After you’ve completed Elsa’s training but she’s not your girlfriend, the option to call her over for a visit stops working (flighty friend with benefits)

Game[/url] Language: English
Wife Trainer is a RAGS ( photo intensive erotic[/url] game. It is NFSW (Not Safe for Work) and is strictly for play by adults. It is not a demo. It should be fully functional (subject to bug playtesting as requested below). Additional content is planned, but a significant amount of content has already been implemented and can be played as a stand-alone game as is.
You play a male character with one of three traits:
• Playboy
• Hypnotist
• Naturally Dominant
Your business is to work with women to help them change. Success with clients increases your reputation, providing you the opportunity to work with additional clients. Continuing actions may also be available with former clients, depending on your level of success when training them.
The characters and game play are intended to be as realistic as games of this sort can be. There are some elements of mind control, transformation, and magic, but you can ignore or emphasize these elements to suit your preferences.
The game is "sandbox" style. There is no overarching storyline. A game end finale is planned once reputation reaches level 5, but like most of the game, it is optional. Play. Explore. Do what interests you. Ignore what doesn't.
• Donna’ hobby training can now be completed.
• Tending to the bonsai tree now works everywhere
• Rae the Bimbo and Rae the Stripper no longer wander away every Monday.
• Cum slut[/url] hypnosis with Donna now works after she stops being a client,
• Elsa’s expanded session with Marilyn now available when she’s your girlfriend.
• Photos of Sam should now always display properly when you Review Files.
• Fixed many typos and grammar (thanks Axterix!) and failure messages when trying to use an item on an inappropriate character.
Reported Outstanding Issues (please provide details that could help resolve if these happen to you):
• Rae reappearing as your girlfriend after she breaks up with you (flighty woman)
• Bree leaves a note that she’s leaving but can still be found loitering in your bedroom[/url] (flighty slavegirl)
• Letter from Principal not appearing after visit to school[/url] (flighty mail carriers)
• Lauren’s Punish Her/Discipline Her options disappearing during training
• After you’ve completed Elsa’s training but she’s not your girlfriend, the option to call her over for a visit stops working (flighty friend with benefits)